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we believe in providing equal educational opportunities to students from all backgrounds. Our admissions process is designed to be accessible and inclusive, allowing individuals to pursue their educational goals without unnecessary barriers.


we are committed to delivering high-quality training that equips our students with the knowledge and skills necessary to thrive in their chosen fields. Our training programs are designed by industry experts and experienced faculty members, ensuring that you receive the most relevant and up-to-date education.


We understand the importance of certifications in today's competitive job market. To help you stand out and showcase your expertise, we offer a variety of certification courses. These courses are designed to provide specialized knowledge in specific areas and are taught by industry professionals.

Scientific Writing

Scientific writing is not just writing about science; it is the technical writing that scientists do to communicate their research to others. Scientific writing is predicated on the rigors of scientific inquiry, so it must reflect the same precision as that demanded in the research process.

How to write and prepare a manuscript

The goal of manuscript writing is to go beyond simply presenting facts and ideas. It is to reach out to the reader to successfully explain your findings and assist readers in comprehending the topics at hand.

The art of publishing

Fine Art Publishers invest equity in talented artists, whose work they feel meets current design trends or has “timeless” attraction to home décor enthusiasts. They market their artists and the art they represent by attending massive (and expensive) trade shows and art fairs all over the globe.

Preparing a systematic review

While literature reviews require only one database or source, systematic reviews require more comprehensive efforts to locate evidence. Multiple databases are searched, each with a specifically tailored search strategy

Advanced Statistical Data Analysis

While literature reviews require only one database or source, systematic reviews require more comprehensive efforts to locate evidence. Multiple databases are searched, each with a specifically tailored search strategy

Using NVIVO for analyzing qualitative data systematically

Nvivo acts as a data management toolkit for such data and broadly supports both qualitative and mixed research methods. Furthermore, unstructured texts like interviews, open-ended questionnaires, articles, journal articles, web content and even audio, video and image data are analyzed using Nvivo.

Welcome to Amaravati Foundation

Amaravati Foundation facilitates admissions for international students to Indian universities. We specifically focus on online degree programs in various disciplines, including BCA (Bachelor of Computer Applications), MCA (Master of Computer Applications), BBA (Bachelor of Business Administration), MBA (Master of Business Administration), MSc in Mathematics, Masters in English, AI (Artificial Intelligence), and DS (Data Science)l from top univeristies with NAAC++, NIRF universities.




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